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Sweet Cookies | 06.07 |

                                 ---------------------- english version ------------------------
-> 300 g tofu, mashed
-> 100 g minced chicken
-> 60 g peas
-> 60 g carrots, cut into small dice
-> 3 eggs, make a thin omelette

 ingredients II :
-> 4 cloves garlic, mashed
-> 1 teaspoon pepper powder
-> 1 teaspoon of sugar
-> 1/2 teaspoon salt

How to Make:
-> Mixed know, chicken, peas, carrots, garlic, pepper and salt. Stir well.
-> Take one sheet of fried egg, pour the dough mixture out, smooth.
     Roll and condense.
     Wrap in aluminum foil, steamed for 30 minutes or until cooked. Take away.
-> Cut according to taste and serve warm with the sauce bangkok

                                  ---------------------- indonesian version ------------------------
Bahan :
-> 300 g tahu putih, haluskan
-> 100 g Daging ayam cincang
-> 60 g kacang polong
-> 60 g wortel, potong dadu kecil
-> 3 butir telur ayam, buat dadar tipis

Bahan II :
-> 4 siung bawang putih,haluskan
-> 1 sdt merica bubuk
-> 1 sdt gula pasir
-> 1/2 sdt garam

Cara Membuat :
-> Campur tahu, daging ayam, kacang polong, wortel, bawang putih, lada dan garam. Aduk rata.
-> Ambil satu lembar telur dadar, tuang campuran adonan tahu, ratakan. gulung dan padatkan. Bungkus            dengan alumunium foil, kukus selama 30 menit atau hingga matang. Angkat.
-> Potong sesuai selera, sajikan hangat dengan sambal bangkok

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