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Sweet Cookies | 03.30 |

                                       ---------------------- english version ------------------------
-> 500 g Finely minced  of chicken 
-> 150 ml milk
-> 2 eggs
-> 2 pieces of white bread, peeled, cut into pieces
-> 1 teaspoon salt
-> 1 teaspoon pepper powder
-> 1 teaspoon sugar
-> 2 teaspoons teriyaki sauce
-> 150 g chopped onion
-> 600 ml cooking oil
 ingredients II :
-> 175 g flour panir
-> 2 whole egg whites, beat well
-> boiled eggs, peeled, cut into thin wedges form
-> mayonnaise to taste

How to Make:
-> Mix bread and milk. Stir until the bread broken and soft. Add chicken, onion, salt, pepper, sugar, teriyaki      sauce, and egg. Stir until well blended.
-> Pour into pan measures 20 X 20 X 3 cm that has been spread margarine. Steam for 30 minutes until              cooked. Take away, let cool, print box size 5X5X1 / 2 cm.
-> Take nuggets, spread mayonnaise and give 2 pieces of hard-boiled eggs. Brush again with mayonnaise          and cover with a piece nugget.
-> Dip into the beaten eggs, then roll in flour panir. Store in freezer for 2 hours.
-> Fry until brown colored, take away  from heat. Serve with chilli sauce.

---------------------- indonesian version ------------------------
Bahan :
-> 500 g daging ayam giling halus
-> 150 ml susu cair
-> 2 butir telur ayam
-> 2 lembar roti tawar kupas, potong-potong
-> 1 sdt garam
-> 1 sdt merica bubuk
-> 1 sdt gula pasir
-> 2 sdt saus teriyaki
-> 150 g bawang bombay cincang
-> 600 ml minyak goreng

Bahan II :
-> 175 g tepung panir
-> 2 butir putih telur,kocok rata
-> telur ayam rebus, kupas, potong tipis bentuk wedges
-> mayones secukupnya

Cara Membuat :
-> Campur roti tawar dan susu, aduk hingga roti hancur dan lembut. Tambahkan ayam, bawang bombay,          garam, merica, gula pasir, saus teriyaki dan telur. Aduk hingga tercampur rata.
-> Tuang ke loyang ukuran 20 X 20 X 3 cm yang sudah di olesi margarin. Kukus selama 30 menit hingga          matang. Angkat, dinginkan, cetak kotak ukuran 5X5X1/2 cm
-> Ambil nugget, olesi mayones lalu beri 2 potong telur rebus. Olesi lagi dengan mayones lalu tutup dengan        sepotong nugget.
-> Celupkan ke dalam telur kocok, lalu gulingkan ke dalam tepung panir. Simpan dalam Freezer selama            2jam.
-> Goreng hingga berwarna kecoklatan, angkat. Sajikan dengan saus cabai. 

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