---------------------- english version ------------------------
-> carrots
-> carrots
-> sausage
-> kekian or kekean
-> kekian or kekean
-> bulb
-> diced chicken breast in 1 ounce
-> interest to know
-> diced chicken breast in 1 ounce
-> interest to know
-> onions
-> pre onion
-> pepper, masako(seasonings), sugar to taste
How to Make:
-> saute the onion until fragrant
-> seasonings(Masako) entered, pepper, salt, sugar to taste
-> put carrots, sausage, kekean, bulb, pieces of chicken, bean curd, stir-fry until well blended,reserve
-> put carrots, sausage, kekean, bulb, pieces of chicken, bean curd, stir-fry until well blended,reserve
-> prepare the water to the boil
-> put all ingredients to a boil
-> add the red sauce to taste
-> foster, serve
---------------------- indonesian version ------------------------
-> wortel
-> sosis
-> kekean
-> pentol
-> 1ons dada ayam potong dadu
-> kembang tahu
-> bawang pre
-> bawang bombai
-> merica, masako, gula
Cara Membuat :
-> Tumis bawang bombai hingga harum, masukkan bawang pre.
-> Masukkan masako,merica,garam,gula,secukupnya.
-> Masukkan wortel, sosis, kekean,pentol, potongan ayam,kembang tahu, tumis hingga tercampur rata.sisihkan.
-> Siapkan air hingga mendidih.
-> Masukkan semua bahan tersebut hingga mendidih.
->Tambahkan saos merah secukupnya.
-> Angkat, lalu sajikan.
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