---------------------- english version ------------------------
-> 250 grams of of rice, washed and drained
-> 300 ml coconut milk
-> 4 red onions, thinly sliced
-> 1/2 teaspoon bouillon powder
-> 3 tablespoons cooking oil
-> banana leaves to taste
-> 250 grams of of rice, washed and drained
-> 300 ml coconut milk
-> 4 red onions, thinly sliced
-> 1/2 teaspoon bouillon powder
-> 3 tablespoons cooking oil
-> banana leaves to taste
Stir ingredients :
-> 150 grams of beef, boiled and shredded
-> 1 clove garlic
-> 1 small green pepper, thinly sliced
-> 1 small red pepper, thinly sliced
-> 1 leek, thinly sliced
-> 1/2 teaspoon salt
-> 1/2 teaspoon sugar
-> 50 ml cococnut milk
-> 1/2 teaspoon bouillon powder
-> 2 tablespoons cooking oil
How to Make:
-> Stir :
Heat oil, saute onion until wilted. Put green chili and red chilli, stir well. Put shredded meat and other ingredients, cook until the flavors to infuse and dry. Lift.
-> Rice :
-> Rice :
Heat oil, saute onion until fragrant. Add the coconut milk, bay leaves, lemon grass, salt and bouillon powder, and cook until boiling, put the rice.
-> Mix well and cook until milk is absorbed finished, remove from heat. Steamed rice for 20 Manit until cooked. Lift.
-> Grab a piece of banana leaf, give the cooked rice and stir the meat was given the middle as much as 2 tablespoons, pack as a big rice cake, a stick pin with the tip.
-> Grilled on a griddle or grill heat, until fragrant.
-> Mix well and cook until milk is absorbed finished, remove from heat. Steamed rice for 20 Manit until cooked. Lift.
-> Grab a piece of banana leaf, give the cooked rice and stir the meat was given the middle as much as 2 tablespoons, pack as a big rice cake, a stick pin with the tip.
-> Grilled on a griddle or grill heat, until fragrant.
-> Remove from heat and serve.
---------------------- indonesian version ------------------------
-> 250 gram beras, dicuci, tiriskan
-> 300 ml santan
-> 4 butir bawang merah,iris tipis
-> 1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk
-> 3sdm minyak goreng
-> Daun pisang secukupnya.
Bahan Tumisan :
-> 150 gram daging sapi, rebus, suwir
-> 1 siung bawang putih
-> 1 buah cabai hijau, iris tipis
-> 1 buah cabai merah, iris tipis
-> 1 batang daun bawang, iris tipis
-> 1/2 sdt garam
-> 1/2 sdt gula pasir
-> 50 ml santan
-> 1/2 kaldu bubuk
-> 2 sdm minyak goreng
Cara Membuat :
-> Tumisan :
Panaskan minyak,tumis bawang merah hingga layu. Masukkan cabai hijau dan cabai merah, aduk rata. Masukkan daging suwirdan bahan lainnya, masak hingga bumbu meresap dan kering. Angkat.
-> Nasi :
Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah hingga harum. Tambahkan santan, daun salam, serai, garam dan kaldu bubuk, masak hingga mendidih,masukkan beras.
-> Aduk rata, masak hingga santan terserap habis, angkat. Kukus nasi selama 20 menit hingga matang. Angkat.
-> Ambil selembar daun pisang, beri nasi matang dan tengahnya di beri tumisan daging sebanyak 2sdm, bungkus seperti lontong besar, semat dengan lidi kedua ujungnya.
-> Bakar di atas wajan atau pangganganpanas, hingga harum.
-> Angkat dan sajikan.
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